Rosh Hashanah


In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means “first of the year”. Rosh Hashanah is commonly known as the Jewish New Year. The Jewish New Year is a time to begin introspection, looking back at the mistakes of the past year and planning the changes to make in the new year. The traditional Hebrew greeting on Rosh Hashanah is “Shanah tova” for “a good year”, or “Shanah tova u’metuka” for “a good and sweet year”.

Rosh Hashanah is often celebrated with apples and honey to symbolize a sweet new year. Typically, Challah bread is served to symbolize the cycle of the year and the universal hope for an abundant year of peace and goodness in life.

At Los Bagels we make a special Round Braided Challah. Make sure to special order yours!